Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Evaluating, Implementing, and Managing Instructional Programs and Projects

1. The two models that I have chosen to reflect on are the Objectives-Based Evaluation and Goals-Free Evaluation.
             a.) The Objectives-Based Evaluation (also known as the Objectives-Oriented or Objectives-Referenced Evaluation) is an evaluation method to focuses on the specification of objectives and measurement of outcomes. This evaluation method keys in on generating information for accountability and decision making by developing and measuring the appropriate objectives for these purposes. I would use this evaluation method in my instruction by determining specific goals for my students in Physical Education. For example, when the students are practicing sit ups, the first time attempted would set their and each time they did the sit up test, they would try to improve this number by 5. Each time the student attempted this sit up test their goal would slightly increase until they cap.
             b.) The Goals-Free Evaluation observes and measures actual processes and outcomes. The evaluator does not know the purpose of the program. If the program is doing what it is supposed to be doing, then these achievements should show up. I would use this kind of instruction during a specific sport. After teaching the student's the skills of the sport and playing a few games, the progress of their improvement would be seen while playing in a tournament after several classes. Although there are not specific goals, the improvement of the student's skills would be noticed.

2. One of the technological innovations that I have been hearing about in Physical Education classes across America is Dance Dance Revolution. Due to the abnormal increase in childhood obesity, Dance Dance Revolution is a fun game that all students can play while getting a good fitness without realizing it. This generation is so used to playing video/computer games indoors. This is a fun and different way for students to get involved in Physical Education class while burning a few calories. I have attached a video below that shows a gym class playing Dance Dance Revolution.

3. If I were in charge of developing a series of professional development sessions focusing on technology use in the classroom for teachers, I would use situational leadership to facilitate this project by:
         1.) Use directive, detailed supervisory without being overbearing or appearing to be demanding. Basically, I would let them know who is in charge without being too over the top. The teachers that I would be training would be treated with respect, but I would be very direct and up front as to what my expectations would be in this professional development session that is focusing on technology. They would be given a very detailed agenda and information on what they will be learning and discussing in these sessions.
         2.) I will move from a more directive role to one where I explain and clarify decisions and reward improvements in direction and knowledge. For example, if I am teaching Physical Education teachers about new technology that could be incorporated into the P.E. curriculum, I would give examples of this new technology. I would get the teachers more involved in the discussion and allow them to come up with positives and negatives on these new technologies. They would be in charge of doing some research on these new technologies to clarify their reasoning behind the positives/negatives that they chose.
        3.) My leadership role would change to focus on results and make sure that the teachers are rewarded for effort and production. I would provide rewards for the teachers participation and work while researching these new technologies. I would bring in these new technologies and allow them to test them out for their reward. This would not only give these P.E. teachers an opportunity to take a break from their research, but they would get a chance to see first hand what these games/technology are like. They would get to try them out first hand, and then go back to their positives/negatives that they listed and make the necessary adjustments.
        4.) I would become more of a monitor than an instructor. The teachers would discuss together what technologies they liked the most and how they would incorporate them into their curriculum. They would discuss/create their own curriculum lessons involving these new technologies and present them at their schools. After completing these new lessons in their own classes, they would provide feedback on how they thought the lessons went and get the student's to provide feedback as well in order to make the curriculum better.


  1. Morgan,

    I have recently seen quite a bit of information about incorporating Dance Dance Revolution and other activity based video games into PE classes. I would never have thought about that on my own, but I think it's a great idea. Great post.

  2. I enjoyed the video and idea of Dance Dance Revolution. I think it is a great activity that can be utilized in so many different areas of physical education. I co-teach with someone who also has a PE class and I shared this innovation with her. Hope you don't mind. Thanks.

  3. I thought that the Dance Dance Revolution was a great way to incorporate technology into a classroom in a very interactive way. I think it is a great way to get to the students active in a fun way. Children today need all the help they can get with promoting an active lifestyle. What a fantastic way to bring technology into PE!!!! Great Idea!
