Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Human Performance Technology

1.) I am going to use Gilbert's Behavior Engineering model for my non instructional solution to solve the performance problem at my school. The performance problem that I have chosen to solve is the lack of organization in the Physical Education department to help provide a productive physical education environment for the students.
2.) The following definitions for Electronic Performance Support Systems are:

* An Electronic Performance Support System is a computer based system that improves worker productivity by providing on-the-job access to integrated information, advice, and learning experiences. According to Barry Raybould

* An Electronic Performance Support System is any computer software program or component that improves user performance. According to Wikipedia

* An Electronic Performance Support System is one method of supplying online support to people who use computer systems. According to Techscribe

I really like the first definition. This definition, in my opinion, states what an Electronic Performance Support System is and what it does. I feel that this definition is short, to the point, and discusses all of the aspects.I believe that EPSS has not been widely used because of the cost of the systems. Although all companies/schools would love to increase the productivity that is happening in the building, the funding may not exist. Also, as the book states EPSS is not widely known or the potential in what it holds for the future. Once people are educated on EPSS, I feel that there will be more of a focus and search for funding will occur.

3.) A problem that might occur would be students trying to take Physical Education classes online due to home bound or summer classes being offered solely online to get ahead. The students could use heart rate monitors, and they would have access to an online textbook for guidance. The heart rate monitors would be worn while participating in a certain activity, then they would be plugged into a computer and upload all of the information that was taken. Any assignments would be uploaded to a dropbox for completion, just like we do in our online courses. In this situation, the professor/teacher is acting as more of an instructional guide instead of a "lecturer." The idea of independent student work is becoming more and more familiar and popular. The students could work at their own pace and achieve more in a short amount of time. Many parents and teachers do not think of participating in a Physical Education class online. However, the teachers would need to be trained so that the students are held accountable for completing the same activities as well as making sure they are really completing the activities. The teachers would then collaborate with other teachers that are also teaching online P.E. classes to discuss how their programs are successful and discuss their strategies in holding the students accountable.

4.) A good example of informal learning that I participated in was during a Physical Education staff development meeting. We were learning about rollerblading and how we could incorporate a rollerblading unit into our classes. We had a guest speaker that brought in rollerblades and pads for us to use. She taught us how to skate while giving us ideas on how to teach our students by using the same methods that we learned by. Not only was this a very engaging activity because we had to be aware of our surroundings, pay close attention, and then apply the information that was being taught, but it was a fun experience as well. We, the P.E. teachers, played the tole of the students because we were being taught how to rollerblade. The instructor played the part of the teacher, and also gave us DVD's on how to execute a successful and fun rollerblading unit for our students. We were also given the opportunity to sign up and have this instructor come to our school, along with all of the equipment, and help us with this unit.

1 comment:

  1. I always find your posts to be very interesting. Since I have never taught PE and don't REALLY know any PE teachers, I find that you bring a fresh perspective to these technology questions, and you think of things that I never would have considered. I love your idea for accountability in online or homebound PE classes, and I think the rollerblading unit would be a blast. I would have loved to have seen you guys learning to rollerblade. I am certain there was a lot of laughter.
